National Conference 2017



Our celebration of
50 years of Charismatic Renewal

held on Saturday, 24th June 2017

Here are two of the prophecies we received:

You are my beloved sons and daughters. My greatest power is my love for you. I created you out of love and I will never cease to love you. Your greatest praise is your love for me. My Spirit is love. You have my Spirit. My love is within you. But remember I also love all those who hate me, who reject me, who ignore me. I love them too. The greatest power you have is my Spirit, my Spirit of love for me and for every other created being. Open yourselves more and more to my love for you, respond with love and you have the greatest weapon. The world knows that the power of love is the greatest power on earth, whether they know that love comes from me or not. My love led me to the Cross and I died for you and for every single human being that I have ever created or will create. But I rose again and I am alive today. I am alive and with you. And as you shout my praise let it be so filled with love that the power of hate is driven back. You know I have won the final victory, but don’t wait till then. The victory is yours now, because it is mine now. Claim it, proclaim my love, my love for you, my love for all. Proclaim your love for each other and the world will be renewed. My light will conquer. My love is supreme. I am God, there is no other.

Be single-minded in your pursuit of me, abandon all your worldly attachments, engagements, ideas and plans. Leave them behind and utterly trust my designs, my ideas, my plans. Anything the world can offer you, however beautiful, powerful, good or kind it may seem, is as nothing compared to what I have in store for you. Moreover, a worldly mind-set will prevent you from seeing my plans, from understanding my word, from obeying my will. Place therefore your entire life, all you have and all you are, into my hands and believe that I will guide you in all things, provide all things, reveal all things.

Archbishop Eamon Martin celebrated Mass with us.

The Archbishop started by singing a verse of the hymn “10,000 Reasons” and interspersed his homily with the other verses.

In his homily, he said:

“The Lord is inviting us to sing like never before His Good News into the world! Despite everything out there that tries to stifle the Joy of the Gospel, we must never tire of bringing into the world the consoling, uplifting, ever new and ever precious news that Jesus our Lord and Saviour is Risen; his spirit lives and moves among us and wants to renew the face of the earth! Do not allow yourselves to be robbed of hope, Pope Francis keeps telling us. Praise Father God! Praise Jesus. Praise the Holy Spirit!”

He continued, “My dear brothers and sisters in the Charismatic Movement, congratulations on your golden jubilee – fifty years of declaring yourselves for Jesus, fifty years of prayer, praise and witness.  On behalf of the Church in Ireland I want to thank you for your quiet presence among us (well, not always so quiet!). Thank you for being open to new life in the Spirit, for allowing God to work in you and through you to keep the message of love and hope alive in this country. Thank you for continuing to sing the new song! Thank you for channelling the gifts and charisms the Spirit has showered on you and for using them in the service of the Church. We have seen over the past fifty years the fruits of your prayer and service all around this country.”

“I am convinced that the Spirit is actively at work in Ireland today preparing us for a new springtime of growth and abundance in faith.  Please pray that we will be open to the gifts which the Spirit is giving to our Church at this time, by calling and gifting women and men for the service of the Gospel in this time and in this place. Pray for vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life. But pray also that our lay faithful will realize more and more that they are called in baptism.”

Archbishop Martin concluded, “That is why today, to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Ireland I am announcing an apostolate of prayer for Ireland, praying for a new Pentecost in Ireland, calling on the Holy Spirit to pour out on all of us – priests, religious and lay faithful – the gifts and charisms that are needed for the renewal of the Church in Ireland at this time.”

For more information on the new apostolate of prayer for Ireland, visit


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